Iscrizione Newsletter

Avaro Freeride


Avaro Freeride

The Avaro's Plans is a plateau of rare beauty that grows at 1700 m. altitude, are the ideal place to make a stop or stay. From here the day of the biker begins now down to 1200m. in altitude needed to reach the valley floor.

Easily reachable by a comfortable carriage offer an infinite number of descents on the slopes is a winding maze of paths paradise of the most passionate riders.

See the map

Only the local knowledge of who accompanies you will allow you to fully enjoy the most beautiful trails.

Autumn offers clear skies and golden meadows since the first snow suspends games.


  • Lengtha: 11,5 km
  • Difference: 1200 metri
  • Request mountain bike full 160 mm gods excursion and excellent conduct of the bike
  • Required helmet and protections